The Secret to Manifesting Love with the New Moon in Libra

How do you manifest love? How can I attract love with the Law of Attraction? Working with the energy of the New Moon, particularly the New Moon in Libra, can make manifesting love much easier than trying to attract love on your own. By the time you get to the end of this blog post, you’ll have the five steps you need to work with the New Moon in Libra to manifest the love that you desire.

Why Does the New Moon in Libra Make a Great Ally for Manifesting Love?

The New Moon’s energy favors imagining and envisioning that anything is possible and setting goals and intentions related to what you desire. 

The New Moon takes place when the Sun and Moon are on the same degree of the zodiac at the same time. Because of this alignment, many believe that this creates the ideal environment for wishes you make and goals and intentions you set at this time to be more quickly realized and brought into your physical reality.

Each month, the New Moon occurs in a different astrological sign, which gives it a different flavor or focus every month.

When the New Moon is in Libra (occurring in late September to late October), the Moon’s energy strongly favors helping you manifest your heart’s desires in the areas of Libra-related themes. Libra-related themes include:

  • Love and important relationships: marriage; meeting your soulmate; finding the perfect partner; improving current relationships

  • Harmony within any important relationship

  • Finding/maintaining balance in any area of your life

  • Successful negotiations

  • Positive outcomes to legal issues and lawsuits

  • Becoming more likeable and popular

  • Art and decorating

  • Anything related to increasing your own attractiveness or being surrounded by beauty

  • Anything related to the adrenals, blood sugar balance issues, waist, and lower back

The New Moon occurs once every month for approximately three days. From the time of the New Moon (which can occur at any time, day or night), there is about a 2-3 day period to work with its energy, but the first 10 hours are the most potent. (To find the exact time of the New Moon for your time zone, you can use the Moon Phase Calendar at or other existing sources on the Internet)

The New Moon’s energy fully supports you in giving yourself permission to dream an amazing life into existence. The New Moon fully supports you in thinking in terms of possibilities instead of impossibilities. The New Moon supports you in using your imagination and following through on the thought, “What if?” It is the perfect time to announce “Yes!” to things you’ve always wanted but never dared to ask for. It is time to step out of your comfort zone and create new protocols for how you live life. It presents the proper energy to propel you onward and forward and upward. 

Working with the energy of the New Moon can help you manifest anything your heart desires; however, the New Moon in Libra specializes in helping people manifest love and more successful relationships.

When the New Moon is in Libra, to manifest more love and better relationships, follow these five steps:

couple in love with moon in background

1.       Tap into feelings of gratitude for the past and present times when you’ve experienced contentment, peace, and happiness related to love.

Feel feelings of gratitude for the love and happy relationships that you’ve had in the past or have currently, and just say to the Universe: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

With gratitude, think of the love you feel for others and the love that others have for you.

This helps you tap into the energy of abundance and by tapping into the abundance energy of what you want, you can attract more of it to you. Gratitude also raises your personal energetic vibration, making it easier to manifest what you want.

2.     Get clear on exactly what you want to manifest in the area of love and what it would look like and feel like.

Within the first 10 hours after the time of the New Moon in Libra (or up to three days after), get clear on what the love you’d like to manifest would look like in your everyday reality. Visualize what having the love that you desire would look like, feel like, taste like, sound like, etc.

If you had the love that you desire, what would you be doing differently?

Believing that anything is 100% possible for you, be as specific as possible regarding what having the love that you desire would look like for you and feel like for you.

As a human being, the Universe is constantly sending you clues and signals about what you want, based on what excites you, what give you the full body “yes” feels. When there is something that you need to go for or pursue, your gut will literally respond to it, physically drawing you there. The New Moon’s energy encourages all of us to play with and acknowledge this energy. It gives us permission to dream and to pay attention to these intuitive hits by noticing all the things you see and come across that make you go—“Yes, I like that,” or “I want that.” These things have all been put in front of you on purpose, by the Universe, to lead you toward your purpose. When we feel a strong desire for a thing or experience, the Universe has literally put that desire there in us because we’re meant to go after it. 

3.     Decide and declare that you’re going to have the love that you desire.

Decide that you’re going to have the love that you desire and then make this decision energetically visible and known to the Universe. You can do this by simply declaring out loud or putting in writing: “On this day _____, I have decided that I am going to have _______ .”

4.     Create written intentions related to manifesting the love that you desire.

The New Moon’s energy favors making wishes and setting intentions for what you want to manifest in your life in the next month, near future, distant future, and really, any possible future.

Many people lump making wishes and setting intentions together, as if they are the same thing. They are not the same thing.

Wishes run off of creative energy, which is important to help you tap into the unlimited energy of abundance that exists all around us.

Intentions, on the other hand, live in the energy of being something that you embody completely or do.

Both making wishes and setting intentions can be used successfully with the New Moon’s energy to manifest that which you desire into your physical reality; however, the quickest way to manifest something you desire is by setting intentions.

During the New Moon phase, the most effective way to set intentions is to write them down with a pen/pencil and paper. Writing them (instead of typing them) helps to unite both your conscious and subconscious minds in a unified undertaking. When you set intentions for what you want to manifest by writing down your intentions, it’s best to begin with the following statements: “I am”; “I have”; “I know”; “I can”; “I choose”; “I claim”; or “I intend”.

When you’re writing intentions for more love when the New Moon is in Libra, it is also important to make your intentions as specific as possible (i.e., instead of writing “I have attracted my soulmate” you could write something more specific, such as “I am enjoying spending time with the love of my life, who is tall, kind, and giving”), It is also beneficial to write your intentions in positive language (i.e., leave out the use of don’t, can’t, etc.) and to write them in the present tense.

After you write your intention statements, re-read them as often as you can over the course of the next month (until the next New Moon). When you read them, visualize having them and feel the associated good feelings that come with having that which you desire.

As you write your intention statements, you may find that negative thoughts and limiting beliefs pop up.

Your mind might tell you that you can’t do or can’t achieve something that you’ve written down as an intention, that you don’t deserve something, or you might feel fear when thinking about not being able to get what you want.

This is all good information as well, so the best thing to do is to jot down any negative thoughts or limiting beliefs that pop up, look at them with curiosity, feel into them if you can, send your thoughts some love, decide that they may or may not be true, and consider being open to seeing things in a different way.

You can also choose to tackle those limiting beliefs head on and more in depth at the next Dark Moon phase of the Moon’s monthly cycle.

5.     Know that you already have the love that you desire.

As you write your intentions to manifest more love and happiness in your relationships during the New Moon in Libra, it is also extremely helpful to write your intentions from a firm place of knowing that any desire you have is in alignment with the Universe and thus, it is already fulfilled. If you are writing your intentions from a place of fear at not getting what you want, or confusion about how you will get what you want, it is very easy to manifest more experiences that make you feel fear and confusion.

Knowing that you already have it can be tough to do when you look around your existing reality and don’t see any evidence of that which you’re trying to manifest. This type of knowing takes practice but can be mastered with time and practice.


To manifest more love by working with the energy of the New Moon in Libra, you’ll need to:

  1. Tap into feelings of gratitude for the past and present times when you’ve experienced contentment, peace, and happiness related to having love

  2. Get clear what the love you’d like to manifest would look like and feel like

  3. Decide and declare that you’re going to have the love that you desire

  4. Create written intentions for the love you desire

  5. Know that you already have it

Working with the New Moon is only a small part of the enormous power and support available to you! Why not tap into the energy of ALL of the other phases of the Moon as well?

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